The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed originating from Tibet. Come, meet and pat some of these magnificent rare dogs that were bred and raised right here in Queensland, Australia.

Centuries ago in Tibet, Tibetan Mastiffs originated as a primitive breed, primarily used for guarding in the tough Himalayan terrain. Today, these majestic dogs continue to fulfil their ancestral duties as guardians, but now in their modern day homes.

Made famous (infamous?) by social media in recent years, the Tibetan Mastiff has a reputation to be an aggressive, dominating, fierce and scary dog, however this is not actually the case. We aim to educate about and preserve the aboriginal Tibetan Mastiff dog – who can be aloof, but is loving, inquisitive, intelligent and fiercely protective of their chosen, bonded pack.

Come and say hi on the day to some of our dogs and get to really know the Tibetan Mastiff.

Stand Number: 570