Wazzat Xoloitzcuintle

Wazzat Xoloitzcuintle Dog Breed | The Dog Lovers Festival Breed Directory


Their origin dates far back in history. The meat of the Xoloitzcuintle or Xoloitzcuintle in Nahuatl language, Xoloitzcuintle in Spanish was considered a delicacy in pre­ Hispanic Mexico, eaten by the indigenous Mexicans in special ceremonies as a ritual to their beliefs and was regarded as a representative of the god “Xolotl”, from which its name obviously originates.

Its task was to guide the souls of the dead to their eternal destination. Therefore the dog became scarce, reaching a point of near extinction. The Federación Canófila Mexicana (Mexican Kennel Club) rescued this native breed and has used the Xoloitzcuintle on its logo since 1940.

The hairless variety of the breed is also known by the name “perro   pelón  mexicano”  (Mexican  Hairless  Dog). The coated variety was known by the natives as “itzcuintle”.


The Xolo is called an outline breed with a harmonious attractive looking dog with graceful movement, well proportioned, both coated and hairless should possess the same characteristics in appearance.

Grooming and Physical Needs

  • Grooming Needs: Hairless Xolo require the same skin care as human skin, dirt needs to be removed a few times a week, by loofah and baths, the skin needs to be kept moisturised.
  • Coat Type: Hairless.
  • Moulting: All living animals shed ( be it dander dead skin cells or hair, fur) Xolos skin needs to be exfoliated regularly to get rid of the dead skin cells that accumulate and can with dirt cause build up and black heads pimples.
  • Exercise Needs: Xolos need a lot of exercise, from 9 months they require at least 40 mins a day of walking, they are not a back yard breed (Roaming in a yard is NOT exercise).
  • Average Life Span: 14 - 17 years.


  • Family: Adults who are home to supervise the Xolos, older children.
  • Temperament: They are called a Velcro dog and bond to the family, calm with the family but alert or guard to strangers, they need to be exposed at a young age to varied social situations, or they can become overly timid with people.
  • Trainability: Easy to train, however have a stubborn streak and needs to be taught who the master is from an early age with praise and reward.
  • Sociability (Other Pets): Fine with other pets, especially if introduced at a young age, do not do well in Multi dog households as need a lot of attention..
  • Barking: Have a tendency to bark when left alone.


Loyal companions who are eager to please the owner and always give cause for a laugh.


The Xolo is not for everyone, the breed does require a lot of early social training (or they can become timid in social situations) the breed is primitive and displays characteristics as such, the social training is required throughout life. The dogs are NOT a solution for allergy sufferers, just as they have no hair as many people are allergic to dander, we encourage anyone considering any dog to send a T Shirt to the breeder and let the shirt be with the dogs and then wear the shirt to see if you get a reaction.  Some individual dogs/breeds may be fine, there is NO Allergy free breed for Sufferers (even hairless dogs).