Great Dane


The Great Dane, also known as the Apollo of Dogs, was developed in Germany in the 1800s and bred by German nobility to protect country estates and hunt wild boar.

The Great Dane is one of the tallest Dog breeds and the record holder for the tallest Dog was a Great Dane named Zeus (died September 2014, aged 5), that measured 111.8 cm from paw to shoulder.

Today most Great Danes are companion animals and have become popular family pets.


A Great Dane combines pride, strength and elegance in its noble appearance and big, strong, well-coupled body. The Great Dane has an alert expression and majestic action displaying dignity and they come in a variety of recognised coat colours including blue, black, fawn, brindle, mantle and harlequin.

Grooming and Physical Needs

  • Grooming Needs: A weekly once over brush and bath when needed. Nails should be kept short and ears cleaned regularly.
  • Coat Type: Short, dense and sleek looking
  • Moulting: All year round. Can be low to moderate shedders.
  • Exercise Needs: The Great Dane enjoys daily exercise. Caution must be taken during their growth period.
  • Average Life Span: 7 – 10 years


  • Family: Good family Dog, however due to their size can knock small children over.
  • Temperament: Friendly and outgoing. Kindly without nervousness.
  • Trainability: Generally easily trained, however some can be stubborn. Training and socialising is important to start from a young age as they grow huge fast.
  • Sociability (Other Pets): Social with other pets they have been raised with. Some Danes do like to chase other animals and are generally good with other Dogs if socialised properly.
  • Barking: Big Dog equals a big bark in this case and they will bark to sound an alarm and protect their house.


Stealing food off the kitchen bench whilst still standing on all fours!


Great Danes enjoy being part of the family; they may not take well to being left out in the backyard all day. A few breed-specific health problems exist and choosing a pup from healthy Dogs will reduce the possibility of these arising.